The 8th chakra is Knowing Soul — an experiential awareness of the energetic phenomenon that animates your human body and guides you through earth life.

This energy center is located just above your head and is the first chakra outside of your physical body. It’s also known as the Soul Star Chakra and the Seat of the Soul.

The 8th chakra is the gateway to our remembrance of why we’re here and our unity with all that is in Existence (what we call the Universe and beyond). Thought forms about earthly survival needs, security concerns, curiosities, and desires cycling through chakras 1-7 are grounded in this plane. There are no conscious attachments to the human will, emotion, or ideas of healing, creating, or changing anything.

This state of consciousness observes the human experience of being from a broader view, revealing the Soul purposes of life events and circumstances. This is where you consciously (re)align with the unique set of tools and resources inherited by Soul to navigate the earthly experience (talents, affinities, and the people, places, and things to which we’re naturally drawn to learn and expand through).

Crystals aligned with 8th Chakra Dynamics.

The crystals, stones, and minerals you’re naturally drawn to will best serve your intentions. Honor your Soul’s wisdom.

Crystals, rocks, and minerals that harmonize with the focuses of the Soul Star Chakra include:

Articles, poetry, and resources related to The 8th Chakra (Soul Star)