What Are You Doing With Your Potentials?

What you know about your Self points to your ever-evolving potentials

You know what you love.
You know what you’re exceptional at doing.
You know what you’re naturally drawn to learning.
You know what draws you for no particular reason, and drops you into a flow that’s unquestionably You.

What you believe about your Self, and the world at large, causes a questioning of what’s possible. The questioning of potentials has a beneficial place in times of transition, but the time to drop beliefs in favor of what you know will always arrive!

What are you doing with your potentials?

Look around.  Pure potentiality is All that Is. What you imagine is potential, what you believe is questionable, what you know is probable, what you focus your energy on expands, what you actually do, Is. Meaningful manifestation occurs in the doing of what is genuinely a reflection of who you are.

May Your Doubts Inspire Mastery

Doubt and confusion arise from following beliefs that oppose untapped potentials. Embrace moments where beliefs are challenged and you just don’t know what you thought you knew.  Challenges are your Soul’s insistence on mastering denied potentials. Observe the spin of thoughts without judgment, for there is nothing wrong.

Dedicate to what you know.

Every moment presents an invitation to move from believing into doing what honors your capabilities, affinities, and talents. What you have or haven’t done in the past matters not. NOW is all that matters – you can always begin anew by acting on your True, no matter how small the step.

And the cycle continues…

Nothing in this world is set in stone – potentials and purposes continually change as we experience this human journey. As we master one purpose, new purposes and potentials are continually born.  The invitation to partake in doing our most expansive Self is always open – we’re only required to say YES to what we know.

So, what are you doing with your potentials, NOW?

Expand upon your Human experience through Psychic and Mediumship Readings, Life Coaching, and Soul-Centered Genealogy at kimberlyvirdure.com

Need a moment to realign with your soul's flow?

Book a soul reading with Kimberly (introductory sessions are free).