Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is the pink variety of clear quartz. It’s one of the most abundant minerals found worldwide and is primarily mined in the United States, Brazil, India, and Madagascar.

Focuses and Meanings

  • Grace
  • People, places, things, and experiences you naturally enjoy
  • Self-care
  • Beauty and symmetry
  • Unconditional Love
  • Uncaused Joy
  • The energetic exchange of giving and receiving
  • Compassion, empathy, warmth, and tenderness
  • Purification of emotions
  • Trust and vulnerability
  • Energetic integration of ego (perception of self), the physical body, and Spirit
  • Emotional and intellectual balance and wellbeing
  • Nourishment of the body and environment
  • Goddess Energy
  • Romance and sensuality
  • Love of Humanity
  • Forgiveness
Rose Quartz

Aspects of Life Supported by Rose Quartz Energies

  • Align with your heart chakra to balance all other energy centers (i.e., joyful cardiovascular activity like dancing, rhythmic breathing, thinking of what and whom you love unconditionally)
  • Return to the heart of matters in struggling relationships and challenging situations with compassion, empathy, and healthy boundaries.
  • Neutralizing the effects of mental, emotional, and physical over-indulgence through nourishment
  • Wisdom gained through a period of heartache with Grace
  • Opening to and trusting love
  • Conscious and intentional alignment with what inspires a natural and whole gratitude for being alive.


Rose quartz focuses of openness to life, gratitude, and acceptance especially resonate with the 4th chakra (heart) and 3rd chakra (throat). The feeling experience of unconditioned reverence for life (love) represented by rose quartz naturally unifies our entire energy field (all chakras, aka your vibe).

Associated Astrology Signs

  • Taurus
  • Libra


Enjoy what pleases your senses. Love, nurture, and be nurtured. Feel your heart express what your mind has tried to hide. You are the love you seek.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz at the Soul Stone Store

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