Passion Implicates Soul Purposes

Human Passion

The passion that erupts from the limits of the human brain can be chaotic or sweet – sometimes both ebbing and flowing wildly among states of Love and resistance, clarity and confusion. This passion centers around manipulating bodies and time to fulfill passing desires and focuses on receiving more than giving.

Soulful Passion

And then there’s Soulful Passion, which naturally flows as a calm, emotionally neutral, well-directed state of Creativity. Inspired by the Heart, this passion births ideas that touch our world meaningfully.

As we engage in what we feel soulfully passionate about, we lose all sense of time; we feel connected, in tune, and balanced. We feel Love – the expression of Life Itself. Other living beings benefit from what we give and Create from Soulful Passion. These are our Life’s Purposes, our legacies – what we’re here to share through a Divine Exchange of giving and receiving.

Follow Your Bodily Feelings

The quality of our passion from moment to moment indicates whether we’re aligned with our individual Purposes. As we listen to ourselves by observing our thoughts and feeling as we feel, we enable our Intellect (Soul) to guide us to people, places, and resources in gracious support of our Purposes. We only need to choose our focuses by Heart. The passion we experience in the process, even as what we’re naturally driven to do seems most challenging to realize, indicates our Soul Purposes.

Expand upon your Human experience through Psychic and Mediumship Readings, Life Coaching, and Soul-Centered Genealogy at

Need a moment to realign with your soul's flow?

Book a soul reading with Kimberly (introductory sessions are free).