A New Moon Crystal Mix for Spiritual Renewal and Earthly Evolution

Release What Doesn’t Serve Your Wellbeing

The new moon is traditionally a time to focus on clearing your auric field and to open your world to experiences you’d like to unfold in the upcoming lunar cycle. The energy of the new moon is an invitation to:

  • release and rebirth,
  • realign with your personal truths,
  • clarify your intentions,
  • honor your Soul’s guidance,
  • prepare for new beginnings,
  • establish a foundation for sustainable success,
  • develop focuses and plans of action for the next 28 days,
  • make the time to just relax.


A New Moon Crystal Mix for Energetic Renewal and Practical Evolution

You can search the crystal guide for ideas or just go with the crystals and stones that feel true to you.

  1. Black Tourmaline to clear energy patterns from the passing lunar cycle, and focus on aligning mind and body with the energy of our Earth (grounding). This feels like peaceful acceptance of what is so.
  2.  Tiger’s Eye to integrate the masculine and feminine within (wholeness) and set the intention of naturally progressive achievement of goals. The feeling is inspired, creative, expansive, practical, and earthy.
  3. Selenite to draw a focus on opening blocked energy flow (emotion), mental clarity, and to clear residual energy (emotion) accumulated in your upper chakras. The feeling experience is a profoundly grounded peace.
  4. Labradorite for balance, clarification and alignment with your metaphysical senses, and restoration of your auric field. Acknowledgment of Divine Will. The feeling is a sense of connection and spirit of compassion for all you see by heart.
  5. Rutilated Quartz to amplify intentions for the next lunar cycle and open the flow of energy among your body’s energy centers (chakras). The feeling is Creation alive as you – open, expansive and free.

Create Your Own New Moon Crystal Mix

As with all things, this is merely a guide. Working with crystals, or any practice that focuses the mind,  is a personal and sacred experience of you practicing your unique application of universal laws.

As you choose crystals to work with honor whatsoever matches your individual purposes and intentions for your experience of Earth Life.

Enjoy a blessed New Moon, Knowing Soul.

Expand upon your Human experience through Psychic and Mediumship Readings, Life Coaching, and Soul-Centered Genealogy at kimberlyvirdure.com

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