Spirituality Is A Grand Concept

Are you spiritual?  If you consider yourself spiritual, then you must have an idea of what spiritual means.  What are the conditions of being spiritual?  How do you know if someone is unspiritual, or kind of spiritual?  What is Spirit?  Can you be just kind of spiritual? Are some of us of It and others not?  Do we have to be able to define Spirit to be spiritual?  What is spirituality? Can we define Spirit? Really?

The Definition of Everything

Spirituality is a grand concept for many. It’s an idea, a story, a personality to achieve, an image to uphold, states to experience, sacrifices to be made, something to fear, something to convince others of, a space to escape to and hide within, something that makes one feel like they’re alright, or all right.

Concepts built on the belief that Being purely of spirit is (right, peace, Love, good, spiritual…), and succumbing to the Earthly human ego-centric matters is (wrong, sad, bad, dark, unspiritual), splits the brain and distracts us from What we wholly are.

Our entire Earthly experience is of Spirit.

Living is Spiritual

However you choose to play, this life is perfect for You. You, like all else, are Spirit. Living is an expression of Spirit.  All we know and experience, and all we don’t know and have yet to experience, is of Spirit. Life, as we live it, is spirituality.

Life is Simple

Life is simple. We complicate it with intricate stories and contradictory beliefs. Our brains alone cannot perceive Nature’s blissful simplicity. We think: “Life can’t be easy, I must pay to play and struggle to gain. I have to know the answer. There must be a question…”.

Even as we go on deconstructing perfection, lost in right and wrong comparing, judging those who don’t agree in an attempt to hide our confusion, we are practicing spirituality. Even not believing in Spirit is spiritual. Of course, honoring Spirit is spiritual.

I am here to remind you, as you are to remind me: we are our destination, there is nothing to figure out, nothing to seek, and everything to create for the joy of living. Our sole purpose is to live, expanding upon all we’re drawn to experience in these bodies, as Earthlings, at this time.

Live as You Wish

We are here to create temporary concepts of ourselves, but Existence is no concept. What we are is not up for debate. There are no conclusions to be drawn, definitions to be validated, nothing to prove. So, feel yourself as Free!

There are no paths to follow. Be still and allow silence to reveal the Intelligence that lights your way. You are here to create paths of discovery on Earth’s face, to craft your destiny, to wander through the spaces without paths.

This is spirituality!

You are Spirit

A moment dedicated to honoring the way your body automatically breathes reveals Spirituality perfectly. Spirit is  wordless, effortless, just Being – inviting us to partake in Life and share ourselves in ways that sustain all that’s  living – which is everything.

Breathe deeply and be guided by your Heart, so your brain may serve your Earthly potentials and purposes. Your imprint on this Earth is your grandest conception for this time, Being.

Expand upon your Human experience through Psychic and Mediumship Readings, Life Coaching, and Soul-Centered Genealogy at kimberlyvirdure.com

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